Spring is often the season most synonymous with renewal and new beginnings.
Perhaps your new beginnings is a literal addition to your family or reconfirming your breastfeeding goals.
Regardless of your current stage in Motherhood, I encourage you to hold space for renewal and new beginnings within yourself.
As our garden is 80% ready for the season, I relate my current renewal journey to plants within a garden.
While I think I had the entrepreneurial seed for some time, I couldn't let the seed fully flourish due to a variety of reasons but most specifically fear, finances, and uncertainty of my true calling.
Last spring, all of the needed elements fell into place allowing me to solidify my entrepreneurial seed by leaving my corporate career and I have been nourishing my dreams every since. Sacrifice, humility, growth and a decent amount of mom guilt all played a factor.

The last 18 months or so have been a delicate balance all accumulating to be able to sit for my International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Exam- which I will do this week - EEK!!
As a mother, a significant amount of our time and energy is poured into our family- and more specifically our children, especially when they are younger. For me, I don't operate at my best when I don't have time and energy to nurture my interests. I love the science of breastfeeding. I love the process of resolving breastfeeding issues. I LOVE being a part of families breastfeeding journeys. I literally float when moms contact me about how I have aided in there success. . I look forward to continuing to affect POSITIVE change in maternal and infant care and the advancement of breastfeeding rights i.e. basic human rights.
I am a better mom (wife, friend & person in general) because I am truly operating in my purpose. During this season of renewal and new beginnings I implore you to
embrace new beginnings and hold space for renewal. May you begin this season more enriched!